Wednesday, July 10, 2013

REVIEW on the Urban Decay Naked Flushed Palette!

First of all let me start by saying I'm super sorry for not writing on my beauty blog for so long. Good news is I have finally bought my own apartment and am currently remodeling it :). Super excited for the finished results! After all the remodeling is done I can finally start my YouTube channel filming for you guys. I know you guys have been begging me to start filming but I really didn't want to have a weird background and change backgrounds after I move soon so truly I want to have the perfect set including background for my YouTube channel tutorials for you guys to enjoy :). 

Today what I am reviewing for you guys is one of my favorite palettes on the face of the earth. The Urban Decay Naked Flushed Palette. This palette has three sections that are very important to complete a perfect makeup look; from bronzer, to blush and highlight. Look at how amazing this palette looks:

SILKY- Bronzer, highlighter, and blush

Like the palette says "NAKED"...It's kind of being Naked with it's silky colors. It makes you face look more alive and well contoured with the bronzer; a natural rosy cheeks with it's blush making your face have it's natural blushed look and don't forget my favorite, the highlighter to pop your facial features and brighten up your look making you look more awake and alive. This palette will work with any skin tone, it just depends on how much you apply. For dark skin just apply 2 layers of more for a pop of color. This palette is super vibrant and I recommend it to anyone. You can also mix all the colors for a radiant glow. Also it has a perfect size mirror for on the go touch ups. This will fit inside your purse which is a must :)! You can find this for $30.00 at Sephora, Ulta or the Urban Decay website.

Bronzer, Highlighter and Blush (true colors)


Swatch on the hand
Swatch on my fingers

There you have it Bellas, Urband Decay Flushed palette is a must have! Remember I will be filming soon so please leave me some requests on the comment box below! Love you guy and I have missed you!!! Hope you all enjoyed this post and if you have any question please feel free to email me at or leave questions on comment box below. Always remember every Bella needs BEAUTY, Stay Beautiful!!!
Love Always,

FACEBOOK: B-Bella By Camie
TWITTER: BBellabyCamie
INSTAGRAM: BBellabyCamie


  1. do that tag 50 facts about me and month favorites :-) XOXO

    1. Yes mam!! I love tags and will do both! Also I tag you to go colors of the rainbow! And for month favorites I have an idea. Why don't we do one together once my channel is up. We do a total of maybe 6 or more favorites each and then I go then you go and we have fun! :) @josiecosta

    2. do*** not go hahhaha silly me!


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